Episode 006: Why You Should Try Companion Planting This Summer

Episode 006: Why You Should Try Companion Planting This Summer

episode highlights Companion planting for the win Discover the secret to a thriving organic garden with companion planting. Today, we’ll dig into how you can create a beautiful, productive garden by selecting the right plants to grow together. This practice can help improve soil health, control pests and diseases, and even boost your yields. I’ll…

Episode 003: 10 Easy-to-Grow Flowers and Vegetables To Plant This Spring

Episode 003: 10 Easy-to-Grow Flowers and Vegetables To Plant This Spring

episode highlights The best flowers and veggies for beginners Are you ready to embark on your gardening adventure but unsure of where to begin? Today, we’ve got you covered with our top 10 easy-to-grow vegetables, flowers, and herbs that will help you create a flourishing garden in no time. From zinnias, sunflowers, zucchinis, and kale,…